William J. Tinti, President of Tinti & Navins, P.C., has been appointed by the Governor of Massachusetts to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (“MAPC”).
The MAPC is the regional planning agency serving the people who live and work in the 101 cities and towns of Metropolitan Boston and is a public agency created under Massachusetts Law.
MAPC is governed by gubernatorial appointees, representative from cities and towns and major public agencies.
The mission of the MAPC is to promoter smart growth and regional collaboration.
Funding for MAPC is derived from municipal, state, federal and private grants, contracts, and a per capita assessment charged to each municipality in the MAPC region.
MAPC has developed a regional plan, MetroCommon 2050, which guides its work engaging the public in responsible stewardship of the region’s future.
The MAPC employs approximately 100 professional and administrative staff.